rtist.eth pfp



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rtist.eth pfp
New Collection of my art also coming out soon. Working on utilizing a new NFT standard that hasn't been getting attention. It will allow a minter to change the art on the nft to other artworks by the artist whenever they want to. Kind of like an customizable art pfp for those who love art.... heres 2 of many(my art)
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rtist.eth pfp
go down, as in when they happen. the real down part that will take place is the decline in them overall. cant register and have your personal info locked in a vault and not be nervous to f***kin rug people and steal from them. Reactive is not working. Lets just make it happen and get it fixed...
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rtist.eth pfp
also cant be scared of push back when it goes to market. we will drop alot of scams in the process which will garner positive attention but the once scared of accountability will be the first to raise hell... imagine a web3 without rugs and other preventable things that just make for a sh*tty day when tey go down...
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rtist.eth pfp
Why is there a shortage of founder type brains these days? I am building solo. really need a dev of sorts as a co-founder on this current project that is creative and is ok with a nice % of ownership for it? Just curious. Kinda seems like every single person i speak with is in 9 to 5 mode anymore.
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rtist.eth pfp
Not that anyone is tracking my project but we have deployed the first version of the new smart contract onto oasis sapphire testnet with zero issues during testing. I am guessing this project will probably make some waves once it hits the market, but until then Ill just enjoy the underdog situation
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rtist.eth pfp
Curious the protocol here for a start-up to post looking for inv.'s
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rtist.eth pfp
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rtist.eth pfp
congrats for sure keep doin it
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rtist.eth pfp
whats funny is... im building a company and a solution to end rugs and other scams.... youd think id have people throwin money at me. nada. selffunded. starting to think web3 wants rugs around and wants wallet drainers.... 11mil? id be at market by now with 11mil, rugs would be gone.
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rtist.eth pfp
http://rugdox.com/i Pre-revenue , so you are early. Which means that you will be in before the public sees what we are doing and we get swamped with the people who ignored us when we were sending our posts like this one. Note: RugDox LLC is registered in WY as of May2024
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rtist.eth pfp
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rtist.eth pfp
I may be the only one out here about to put 80% of rugs in the f**kin dirt but i still make art too. Also, where are all the investors at? when phase 1 hits the market, that door willl be closed. saving billions seems worth it to me. regrets a terrible thing.... dm on x @ jesse21art. and heres art for the rest.
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rtist.eth pfp
Looking for investors as well as some core team additions once funding takes place,in fields like ai,blockchain, cryptography,data anaysis, and some others. Building some stuff to make web3 safer, prevention of rugs, with a expected decline of future rugs at a rate of 80-90%. Dm on X @ rugdoxofficial or jesse21art
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rtist.eth pfp
PoC coded. testing starts tomorrow. we are looking for 1 or 2 select people to invest. This is rolling and will keep moving with or without outside funding but it would help tremndously. so nows the time to get onboard. platform integration will start early.
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rtist.eth pfp
my newest time limited open edition. mint the art more is about to drop on zora and other chains all green art. collect before they end. "Froggy Style" by J21 https://zora.co/collect/zora:0x62a306065e438fbb2fe5f81796ee465a02094d45/2?referrer=0xC5633f7E465eBB1A9F855F93047134ef1ca61E49
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rtist.eth pfp
i was just generalizing in terms of so many markets are a race to the bottom. many small businesses cant even afford a rewards program. because thier profit margins are so low from it. it wasnt a jab
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rtist.eth pfp
fomo and promises. both emotion targeted marketing. not the same i agree but the first one doesnt seem desperate and you don't have to give stuff away for free and lose revenue. High end retailers rarely give things away for free and they sell things for 1000x normal retail price as the norm. Know your worth.
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rtist.eth pfp
If I said I had the solution to curb rugs by as much as 80 or 90%, would you listen? This is going to happen. That you can quote me on. The few who are a fit to be core contributors will never regret the choice. This is one of those moments that you remember. I expect it to become industry standard. Who fits?
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rtist.eth pfp
interesting. expected more. maybe ill placed hope. i guess I will fix the issue alone. if you are a leader in web3 expect my integration email soon. this will be the standard across the space. One of those moments that turn into regret later on when you kept scrolling.
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rtist.eth pfp
Certain moments happen in our lives that will require a choice to be made. Support or Ignore. I am not famous and I am not well known. it suprises me how web3 has gotten so elitist. Kinda sad really. Rugs will slow to a halt. Dont mind fixing your sh*t, just dont think I didnt notice your silence prior. last stop.
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