Rosenkranz pfp



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Rosenkranz pfp
Welcome to Farcaster 👀 👀
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Rosenkranz pfp
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Rosenkranz pfp
the hardest thing about being a legitimate founder is you submitted to your investors threat. delivering real truth is better than a false hope or empty promises. being overly transparent doesnt mean you're doing good but it is a sign you're in fear of being rejected
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Rosenkranz pfp
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Rosenkranz pfp
I made this account on Farcaster to talk about anything in this case Philosophy. Hit the reply with your questions. No boundaries and personal and religious stuff is fine.
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Rosenkranz pfp
What are you thoughts if Blockchain start to embrace Captive Insurance as a solution for pricey regulatory audits as startups? A simple cost mid 6 to 7 figures. Doesn't that mean if there already existing company who has it and owned a Captive Insurance you can postpone it and have alternative?
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Rosenkranz pfp
What are you thoughts if Blockchain start to embrace Captive Insurance as a solution for pricey regulatory audits as startups? A simple cost mid 6 to 7 figures. Doesn't that mean if there already existing company who has it and owned a Captive Insurance you can postpone it and have alternative?
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Rosenkranz pfp
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Rosenkranz pfp
What's everyone understanding on Captive Insurance and what are your thoughts if there are projects out there telling you can now invest in something knowing it can't rug you and if get exploited you are covered in the first place. Welcome to Captive Insurance
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Rosenkranz pfp
What is the future of Blockchain really look like in aspect of its origin use case besides monetary value? Anonymity? People use naming service to doxx their identity. Even platform like these.
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