Roberto Legra pfp

Roberto Legra


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Roberto Legra pfp
Roberto Legra
You can't change your past, but you can reframe it. Find the lesson in it. Find the opportunity in it. Pull the teachable moment out of it and share with others. You can't choose your history, but you can choose the story you tell about it.
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Roberto Legra pfp
Roberto Legra
Exploration is how you discover what works. Persistence is how you make the most of what already works. What does your situation require? More exploration or more persistence?
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Roberto Legra pfp
Roberto Legra
"If you are allowed one wish for your child, seriously consider wishing him or her optimism. Optimists are normally cheerful and happy, and therefore popular; they are resilient in adapting to failures and hardships, their chances of clinical depression are reduced, their immune system is stronger, they take better care of their health, they feel healthier than others and are in fact likely to live longer. ​ Optimistic individuals play a disproportionate role in shaping our lives. Their decisions make a difference; they are the inventors, the entrepreneurs, the political and military leaders – not average people. They got to where they are by seeking challenges and taking risks. They are talented and they have been lucky, almost certainly luckier than they acknowledge... the people who have the greatest influence on the lives of others are likely to be optimistic and overconfident, and to take more risks than they realize."
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Roberto Legra pfp
Roberto Legra
Good day Warpcast!
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Roberto Legra pfp
Roberto Legra
The rules: (1) know precisely what you want, (2) determine the cost of what it will take to get it, (3) don't bargain over the price.
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Roberto Legra pfp
Roberto Legra
Opportunities are grains of sand. They slide right past drooping fingers, but an active palm can gather whatever is within reach and shape it into a little castle. It is the act of engaging with the material that gives it shape.
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Roberto Legra pfp
Roberto Legra
I got 97,458 Nothing 10/09/24 ??? @justnothing
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Roberto Legra pfp
Roberto Legra
If I am worth anything later, I am worth something now. For wheat is wheat, even if people think it is a grass in the beginning.
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Roberto Legra pfp
Roberto Legra
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Roberto Legra pfp
Roberto Legra
Style—to renounce all but the essential, so that the essential may speak.
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Roberto Legra pfp
Roberto Legra
It's nice to have a little help, but we often resent when someone else tries to do it all for us. Each individual wants to make their own dreams a reality. If someone hands you the whole thing on a silver platter, they gift you the result, but rob you of the accomplishment. Remember this not only when chasing your dreams, but also when supporting others. Help along the way, but let them run their own race. Your job is to live life with them, not live their life for them.
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Roberto Legra pfp
Roberto Legra
It's easy to assume that getting rich in money will also mean you are rich in time, but it is often the case that when you earn more money, you end up with less time and more responsibilities. Being rich is nice, but what you really want to optimize for is (1) an income that exceeds your spending by a healthy margin and (2) a lifestyle that is free from rushing.
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Roberto Legra pfp
Roberto Legra
You can carve out a very good career simply by being the most reliable person on the team. You would not think that always showing up on time, hitting every deadline, and responding quickly and professionally to all communication would be such a differentiator, but these traits are always in short supply.
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Roberto Legra pfp
Roberto Legra
All sins are attempts to fill voids.
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Roberto Legra pfp
Roberto Legra
When you're on the field, play as if nothing else matters. When you're off the field, remember that the game doesn't matter at all.
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Roberto Legra pfp
Roberto Legra
Dreams are fun when they are distant. The imagination loves to play with possibilities when there is no risk of failure. But when you find yourself on the verge of action, you pause. You can feel the uncertainty of what lies ahead. Thoughts swirl. Maybe this isn't the right time? Failure is possible now. In that moment—in that short pause that arises when you stand face to face with your dream—is the entirety of life. What you do in that pause is the crucible that forges you. It is the dividing line between being the type of person who thinks about it or the type of person who goes for it. When I really think about it, I want that moment to be my legacy. Not that I won or lost. Not that I looked good or looked like a fool. But that when I had something I really wanted to do, I went for it.
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Roberto Legra pfp
Roberto Legra
When you're on the field, play as if nothing else matters. When you're off the field, remember that the game doesn't matter at all.
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Roberto Legra pfp
Roberto Legra
Clarity is freedom. Know what is important to you and it will grant you the freedom to ignore everything else.
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Roberto Legra pfp
Roberto Legra
Your life will not magically exceed your standards. Improve your boundaries and life improves too.
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Roberto Legra pfp
Roberto Legra
What can I do today to practice five minutes of self-care?
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