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ZK Scholars Assembly Revision 4 - Batch Opening & Vector Commitment In the last KGZ discussion, we are only proving f(x) = y, what if we want to prove many different points are from the same polynomial? Here comes batch opening. f(x) is a N-degree polynomial and interpolates set of point {(xi, yi)} i ∈ [n], define an accumulator polynomial as A(x) = ∏ (x - xi) while i ∈ [n]. And f(x) can be express as: f(x) = A(x) * Q(x) + R(x) A(x): accumulator polynomial Q(x): quotient polynomial R(x): remainder polynomial
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If A(x) vanishes on the set {xi} i ∈ [n], then the remainder polynomial should satisfy R(xi) = yi for all i ∈ [n] and R(x) can be define as a Lagrange form of Interpolation Polynomial: R(x) = ∑ yi ⋅ ℓi(x) where i = 0, i < n and each Li(x) is the ith Lagrange basis polynomial: ℓi(x) = ∏ (x - xj) / (xi - xj) where j = 1, j not = i and i < n
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For example: R(x) = y0 ⋅ℓ0(x) + y1 ⋅ℓ1(x) + y2 ⋅ℓ2(x) + … And quotient polynomial becomes: Q(x) = (f(x) - R(x)) / A(x) Using τ from trusted setup, the prove computes g^Q(τ) and the verifier verifies by checking pairings of: e(g^Q(τ), g^A(τ)) = e(g^(f(τ) - R(τ)), g) e([Q(τ)], [A(τ)]) = e([f(τ) - R(τ)], [1])
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