dylan pfp
Sharing the reasoning behind why myself and Group Purple voted in favor of the Blvkhvnd prop "Feelin Purple" Huge shout-out to @sirsu for being so transparent & involved throughout the prop process 🙌 -- excited to see how things go! 🟪 🫡
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borodutch @ lunchbreak pfp
borodutch @ lunchbreak
@remindme 6 months
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RemindMe pfp
👋 @borodutch you asked me to remind you about this cast in 6 months 🫡
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borodutch @ lunchbreak pfp
borodutch @ lunchbreak
@dylsteck.eth how did it go? did the money spend increase dau? did it become anything more substantial? or just money thrown away that didn't affect anything?
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dylan pfp
also very neat that the remindme bot has been around for a while & is still doing its job!
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