Regen Avocado  pfp

Regen Avocado


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Regen Avocado  pfp
Regen Avocado
Our weekly funding round up is out!
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Regen Avocado  pfp
Regen Avocado
Check out the latest blog post from KarmaHQ on the new impact measurement tool
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Regen Avocado  pfp
Regen Avocado
The weekly grant roundup is out now. Have a look ๐Ÿ‘€
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Regen Avocado  pfp
Regen Avocado
Here's a quick video highlight with Karma founder and CEO Mahesh Murthy on a recent community call with Greenpill Network.
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Regen Avocado  pfp
Regen Avocado
GMonday. Be sure to check out this weekโ€™s project update spotlight. There are some cool milestones from a variety of projects from around the world.
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Regen Avocado  pfp
Regen Avocado
Just in time for the upcoming GG23, the common approach framework and new impact measurement features have been released on KarmaGAP! This is especially useful for both ReFi and Open Source Software Projects and is available for all projects and rounds going forward. Read all about it here
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tmo - agent operator pfp
tmo - agent operator
butterfly hill funds rifai.sicilia to support bioregional regeneration @regenavocado
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Regen Avocado  pfp
Regen Avocado
Hey everyone. Every Wednesday we at Karma HQ share the latest grants in the web3 world. Take a look at the new list including the new announcement for the next GG23 round
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Regen Avocado  pfp
Regen Avocado
Check out this week's project updates. If you want to be featured in our weekly spotlight remember to add your project updates, milestones, and impacts.
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Regen Avocado  pfp
Regen Avocado
Beautiful space ripe for replicating regenerative cultures
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Regen Avocado  pfp
Regen Avocado
Very aligned number. Please consider donating @glodollar to RifaiSicilia and our efforts to regenerate the Mediterranean Bioregion
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Regen Avocado  pfp
Regen Avocado
We are excited to be a part of the 1st QF round on Giveth with glodollar exclusively focused on environmental impact projects. Your donations will go directly to community tree planting and reforestation efforts using SilviProtocol The round runs for two weeks and you can make a donation here. Much love ๐Ÿ’š
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Regen Avocado  pfp
Regen Avocado
Rifai Sicilia is excited to be a part of the 1st QF Earth round on Giveth in Collab w glodollar and @regentoken exclusively focused on environmental impact projects. Your donations will go directly to community tree planting and reforestation efforts using @SilviProtocol Please donate today. The campaign runs for two weeks.
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Regen Avocado  pfp
Regen Avocado
What's the MRV MVP for Bioregions? Minimum Verifiable Bioregion?
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Regen Avocado  pfp
Regen Avocado
I think we've got all the ingredients ready for a public goods fiat panda for the olive growers guild. Basically an NFT vehicle that can be collectively shared and pays for itself.
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Regen Avocado  pfp
Regen Avocado
My prediction for China Taiwan relations. China won't bomb Taiwan. Israel is proving that you lose a war by killing civilians. Instead there will be an increased encroachment blockade until the US military leaves the region and China and Taiwan come to a normalization agreement.
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Regen Avocado  pfp
Regen Avocado
The constant subliminal feeling that the linear thinking of the crypto adoption path is inaccurate. You're telling me that the entire financial and power structure is going to invert yet we're all still going to be paying taxes to murderous governments and shopping at Starbucks?
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Regen Avocado  pfp
Regen Avocado
Inaugural @yup crosspost of "chiacchiere di carnevale"
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nir.eth ๐ŸŒฟ๐ŸŸฃ๐Ÿฆโ˜๏ธ pfp
nir.eth ๐ŸŒฟ๐ŸŸฃ๐Ÿฆโ˜๏ธ
CLAIM FRAME Want access to Yup? Recast and claim it now! A Farcaster exclusive Crosspost between FC and Twitter, see your notifs in one place, & so much more. ๐Ÿ‘€ @yup /yup Join from a different email/eth address by adding it below HIGHLY recommend linking FC and Twitter today. js
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Regen Avocado  pfp
Regen Avocado
Is there a link to degen tokenomics or is it just a tipping points scheme that can be redeemed in the future?
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