wake pfp
a brief history of the /degen channel: >once, there was no warpcast and no channels. all was farcaster. >then, warpcast. >then, channels. >when channels, @0xen asked @dwr.eth: wen degen? >and so @dwr.eth made /degen. >and it was good. >it was actually boring. warpcast had no degens. >then @jacek made $DEGEN for degens in /degen. >and then the degens came to warpcast and /degen for $DEGEN. >and it was good. >then warpcast realized it needed moderation, called "hosts" >and so dan made new hosts, including 0xen, Jacek, and myself. >and it was good. >then warpcast reset channel hosts to prepare for decentralization. >0xen became principle host and owner of /degen. >coincidentally, jacek made /degentokenbase (because duh). >and it was good. >then 0xen passed /degen ownership to jacek. >and jacek restored me as cohost. >now we prepare /degen for degens once again. >and evolve the channel to fit the new membership rules. and it will be great. the end 🎩🌹
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Ramsey  🎩🀝  pfp
Ramsey 🎩🀝
I would LOVE to hear more stories like that. What more can you tell us, papa @wake.eth?
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wake pfp
what do you want to know?
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Ramsey  🎩🀝  pfp
Ramsey 🎩🀝
Nothing in particular, I just love hearing interesting tidbits like that. That's why I was in love with coin bureau episodes on btc and ETH. Also, your storytelling was top notch.
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