"MeteoraAG confirms no plans for a token generation event (TGE) this year(2024) or in the near future. The MET points program for liquidity providers has been extended." If you you thought you were too late you can still start now! If you wanna Passively farm MET Points without worrying about rebalancing or Auto-compounding you can make use of Hawkfi They have their own points system too Join : https://www.hawkfi.ag/ My Code : FDE0F57 Guide 🔽 Go to All Pools > Meteora > Search a pool for example SOL-USDC 24H FEE/TVL is the yield one made by depositing to that pool per day Bin Step signifies how concentrated your liquidity is, lower the binstep higher fee generation but also higher chances of it going out of range Select a pool you like (try to look for high volume and decent TVL) > Create positions > deposit the token pair After creating your position you can toggle auto compound (compounds the fee back into the lp) and rebalance (creates new position if it gets out of range) on.
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