Raffa Gomes  pfp

Raffa Gomes


125 Following

Raffa Gomes  pfp
Raffa Gomes
GN casters!!
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Raffa Gomes  pfp
Raffa Gomes
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Raffa Gomes  pfp
Raffa Gomes
GM Warpcasters from Tarragona-Spain
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Raffa Gomes  pfp
Raffa Gomes
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Raffa Gomes  pfp
Raffa Gomes
GN with a little hope😑
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Raffa Gomes  pfp
Raffa Gomes
GA Casters!
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Raffa Gomes  pfp
Raffa Gomes
Wonderful woman, thx Liège. I miss you!🥰
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Raffa Gomes  pfp
Raffa Gomes
I'm about to release my genesis on HighLight. My first generative work. I'm so excited, huh! Who wants to see/hear this beauty?
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Raffa Gomes  pfp
Raffa Gomes
Boa tarde com um esboço de um trabalho físico antigo: Livro-objeto#1-Cadeira Essa obra hoje faz parte do acervo do Museu Brasileiro de Escultura e Ecologia (MuBE) em São Paulo/Brasil
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Raffa Gomes  pfp
Raffa Gomes
GM peeps!
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Raffa Gomes  pfp
Raffa Gomes
When you get into the rhythm of production, what's interesting is the connections your brain makes with the immediate world around you. Maybe that's why life in this society we live in is so hard on us to continue our production and research processes. There are so many challenges. Anyway, let's move forward. I haven't given up yet! GM community!
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Raffa Gomes  pfp
Raffa Gomes
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Raffa Gomes  pfp
Raffa Gomes
GN Morbeck
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Raffa Gomes  pfp
Raffa Gomes
Hi Hey hoo Artists, collectors and art lovers, how are you? For some time now I have been thinking about producing something generative to expand my research in sound art, but also to experiment with other methods of creation. It's time to present part of the investigation. Here is a Wipz of this process. Will launch this Saturday! Open your ears!
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Marcelo Terça-Nada 💎🎩✨ pfp
Marcelo Terça-Nada 💎🎩✨
Today (25 September) will be the opening of the exhibition ‘Brasília, the Art of the Planalto’, curated by Paulo Herkenhoff and Sara Seilertat at the National Museum of the Republic, in the Brazil federal capital. I'm delighted to participate with a project that was developed especially for the city. It's an honour to be alongside artists and architects such as: Marcel Duchamp; Cildo Meireles; Maria Martins; Guignard; Lucio Costa; Oscar Niemeyer; Roberto Burle Marx; Rosângela Rennó; Rubem Valentim; Siron Franco; Vik Muniz; Alfredo Ceschiatti; Athos Bulcão; Bené Fonteles; Daiara Tukano; Edu Simões; Frans Krajcberg; Gê Orthof; Jonathas de Andrade; Maria Bonomi; Mary Vieira; Miguel Rio Branco; Milton Guran; Milton Ribeiro; Nicolas Behr; Paulo Bruscky; Paulo Werneck; Pedro Motta; and Wagner Barja (see the full list of participating artists in the link in the bio). The exhibition features 141 artists and 400 works until 24 November. Photo: National Museum of the Republic (© Gonzalo Viramonte)
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Marcelo Terça-Nada 💎🎩✨ pfp
Marcelo Terça-Nada 💎🎩✨
Monotipia #82 generative artwork collected by Nabeel https://warpcast.com/marcelonada/0xef7ed798
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Raffa Gomes  pfp
Raffa Gomes
GN with a beautiful Rain in the mediterranean sea!!
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Raffa Gomes  pfp
Raffa Gomes
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Raffa Gomes  pfp
Raffa Gomes
😍 😍
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Raffa Gomes  pfp
Raffa Gomes
With the biggest Master @ricardotakamura in the nftbrasil
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