Radhey Radhey
Get Unlimited Monad Testnet MON Faucet! 🔥 Still can't access the Monad Testnet or need more MON to complete tasks? This update is for you. The trick is to bridge Sepolia ETH to Monad Testnet and swap ETH for MON—letting you get as much as you need. ✅ Here are the steps: 1. Bridge Sepolia ETH to Monad Testnet: Bridge Here (https://testnet.orbiter.finance/en?src_chain=11155111&tgt_chain=10143&src_token=ETH) 2. Swap ETH for MON: Swap Here (https://monad.ambient.finance/swap/chain=0x279f&tokenA=0x836047a99e11F376522B447bffb6e3495Dd0637c&tokenB=0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000) Currently, 1 ETH gives about 5 MON tokens. —————— Need Sepolia ETH? Get it here: Free (https://www.alchemy.com/faucets/ethereum-sepolia) - Paid (https://testnetbridge.com/sepolia) If you have 0 MON on Monad Testnet, you'll need a small amount to swap ETH for MON. You can get that small amount here: Link (https://faucet.trade/monad-testnet-mon-faucet)
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