Varun Srinivasan pfp
Varun Srinivasan
Should Farcaster count string lengths as bytes or characters?
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Josh Babetski pfp
Josh Babetski
Option B + some C + the remaining char. counter from A. B: Concur with the build for humans replies. Hot take is also the "half as many messages" argument may be a bit fallacious. Not every cast will max out, people maxing out will just thread and post multiple casts, so you're down to people abbr 2 fit w/i char lmts.
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Josh Babetski pfp
Josh Babetski
It's IMHO bad UX to be typing along and only get the countdown of remaining characters at 50. Arguably less a protocol issue and more and app one, but the value is in the quality of content and a counter helps people edit as they go versus hack to make it fit at the end.
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