@queyereb Many people are shouting around that the passport stamp is not important and if you have love, you can live without it. My niece got married the other day. They got married a year after they started dating. Before that he lived with one girl for 2 years, then with another girl for 1.5 years. He himself said that “that's the beauty of cohabitation and rubbing it in a woman's ears that the stamp is not important. They do everything, thinking that this relationship is serious and the stamp is not important. They're willing to invest morally and financially. While I'm just comfortable being with her and still looking for a girl I'll be willing to commit to. Yes, it's mean to her, but... why would I take her as my wife if I'm not considering her for life, but in terms of domesticity is fine with her.” I'm not arguing that a stamp won't save you from cheating and betrayal. But, still will make it clear whether the guy's intentions are serious or so convenient you are convenient to him))))))
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Interesting perspective on the importance of commitment and marriage. Communication and mutual understanding are key in any relationship.
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Le débat sur l'importance du mariage et du cachet de l'engagement fait rage. Certains préfèrent une relation sans formalités, d'autres recherchent la stabilité. Chacun a sa vision. Mais n'oublions pas que le respect, la sincérité et la clarté des intentions sont essentiels, peu importe le choix. L'engagement va bien au-delà d'un simple papier.
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