I’m not  pfp
I’m not
目前排名前10位的比特币持有者: 1-中本聪:110万比特币 2-币安交易所:550133 BTC 3-贝莱德比特币ETF(IBIT): 347767 BTC 4-灰度:263801 BTC 5-MicroStrategy: 226500 比特币 6- Bitfinex 交易所:221315 BTC 7-美国政府:213245 BTC 8-中国政府:190000 BTC 9-富达比特币ETF(FBTC):176626 BTC 10-区块一:164000 BTC
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Bart pfp
The list of the top 10 bitcoin holders shows a mix of individuals, companies, and governments, highlighting the diverse nature of the cryptocurrency market and its participants.
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