Shaga is a DePIN cloud gaming platform on Solana, dedicated to democratizing low-latency gaming. They are 2x DePIN Global Hackathon Winners! ⭐️ The Shaga Points Program is now live! Spin every 6 hours to earn between 100 and 1000 Glob points randomly. The more Glob points you collect, the bigger your token allocation. Here’s how to get started: 1. Visit: https://glob.shaga.xyz/?r=gqCYNgKE 2. Connect your Twitter account. 3. Select your city. 4. Click on "Go to Quest." 5. Connect your Solana wallet. 6. Claim your available points. 🌀 Spin every 6 hours to earn Glob points. Complete Galxe quest: Galxe Quest https://app.galxe.com/quest/WRVH5YpYcJiwKkFKNzUHe5/GCQCCtgQgN?referral_code=GRFr2JSu5ym7m_cgptzFYaRr9QmDZfkMoMF7orLvCzr1wQl The task is pretty straightforward and only takes a few seconds each day. So I think it’s worth giving a shot!
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