pourteaux pfp
how i see things shaking out BTC/ETH/SOL: each make different tradeoffs, thus are better fits for different uses this market goes one of three ways: btc dominant: if btc layers allow scale and expressivity btc + eth: if eth layers allow scale btc + eth + sol: if btc and eth fail to scale to be as performant as sol
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pourteaux pfp
if i had to guess, i’d say option 3 is most likely, where each asset has its speciality, with a bit of overlap into the use cases of the others. a trustless bridge would really help this scenario.
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grimacexbt pfp
A big unknown in this situation is what happens when sol faces its first OFAC sanctions. I don’t know enough about their validator set to be confident about the outcome, but if there’s 100% censorship then it will be very clear what the tradeoffs are but if txs get through, ETH is super fucked
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Joe Blau 🎩 pfp
Joe Blau 🎩
Ethereum is already scaling. There are over 700 EVMs right now.
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