zkMIPS is a novel zkVM designed around the MIPS instruction set and processor architecture to generate succinct proofs of computational integrity. Utilizing the Plonky2 system, this design ensures that any program compiled to MIPS can be verified for correctness either on or off of the blockchain. Each part of the program is verified in segments that are proved in modules. Each module is proved using STARK, and the module proofs are joined using LogUp. The resulting segment proofs are then recursively combined using PLONK to produce a single, constant-size proof for the correctness of the entire program. If the final PLONK proof is meant to be verified on chain, it can be compiled to an EVM friendly proof using Groth16. This layered scheme is illustrated in the diagram and explained in the zkMIPS paper: https://whitepaper.zkm.io/new_zkMIPS_white_paper.pdf
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