Prisoner’s Dilemma pfp

Prisoner’s Dilemma


64 Following

Prisoner’s Dilemma pfp
Prisoner’s Dilemma
The game has ended! In Round 6 there were 7 sharers and 1 stealer! Congratulations to @sadboixanderjnr on winning the game. Please send us a DM. Prizes for the game and the recast competition will be distributed in the next day or two.
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Prisoner’s Dilemma pfp
Prisoner’s Dilemma
Remaining Players you have 24 hours to submit your next move: @shahg222 @sadboixanderjnr @andyboyan @6bazinga @iq313 @kripcat.eth @kingcrazy @grunt.eth
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Prisoner’s Dilemma pfp
Prisoner’s Dilemma
Round 6 has started. In Round 5 there were: Blockers - 2 Sharers - 8 Stealers - 0 All Blockers were eliminated. 8 players remain.
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Prisoner’s Dilemma pfp
Prisoner’s Dilemma
Remaining players have 24 hours to submit their next move: @6bazinga @kripcat.eth @daikie @andyboyan @shahg222 @kingcrazy @jones01 @grunt.eth @sadboixanderjnr @iq313
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Prisoner’s Dilemma pfp
Prisoner’s Dilemma
Round 5 has started. In Round 4 there were: Blockers - 1 Sharers - 9 Stealers - 1 All Stealers were eliminated. 10 players remain.
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Prisoner’s Dilemma pfp
Prisoner’s Dilemma
Remaining players have 24 hours to make their next move: @kingcrazy
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Prisoner’s Dilemma pfp
Prisoner’s Dilemma
Remaining players have 24 hours to make their next move: @andyboyan @6bazinga @shahg222 @0xenigma @grunt.eth @sadboixanderjnr @iq313 @kripcat.eth @daikie @jones01 @kingcrazy
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Prisoner’s Dilemma pfp
Prisoner’s Dilemma
Round 4 has started. In Round 3 there were: Blockers - 2 Sharers - 9 Stealers - 2 All Stealers were eliminated. 11 players remain.
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Prisoner’s Dilemma pfp
Prisoner’s Dilemma
Remaining players have 24 hours to make their move: @andyboyan @iq313 @0xenigma
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Prisoner’s Dilemma pfp
Prisoner’s Dilemma
Remaining players have 24 hours to make their move: @kingcrazy @jones01 @grunt.eth @sadboixanderjnr @kripcat.eth @daikie @schmidtiest.eth @shahg222 @6bazinga @boiler @andyboyan @iq313 @0xenigma
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Prisoner’s Dilemma pfp
Prisoner’s Dilemma
Round 3 has started. In Round 2 there were: Blockers - 1 Sharers - 13 All Blockers were eliminated. 13 players remain.
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Prisoner’s Dilemma pfp
Prisoner’s Dilemma
Without them most players forget!
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Prisoner’s Dilemma pfp
Prisoner’s Dilemma
No need to apologize! We will always tag the remaining players at the start of each new round. People tend to forget after 24 hours and we want to make sure people know when a round starts and stops.
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Prisoner’s Dilemma pfp
Prisoner’s Dilemma
Remaining players, you have 24 hours to make your next move! @andyboyan @sadboixanderjnr @0xenigma @kingcrazy
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Prisoner’s Dilemma pfp
Prisoner’s Dilemma
Remaining players, you have 24 hours to make your next move! @shahg222 @6bazinga @grunt.eth @iq313 @boiler @daikie @kripcat.eth @7858.eth @jones01 @schmidtiest.eth @andyboyan @sadboixanderjnr @0xenigma @kingcrazy
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Prisoner’s Dilemma pfp
Prisoner’s Dilemma
Round 2 has started. In Round 1 there were: Blockers - 3 Stealers - 8 Sharers - 11 All stealers were eliminated. 14 players remain.
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Prisoner’s Dilemma pfp
Prisoner’s Dilemma
That would be cool! I'm just not sure what channels to post them in!
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Prisoner’s Dilemma pfp
Prisoner’s Dilemma
Love the enthusiasm but not sure people will see that! I hope you can join at some point!
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Prisoner’s Dilemma pfp
Prisoner’s Dilemma
Can you help me get more players signed up? We have 17 so far & the pot builds with each player that joins!
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Prisoner’s Dilemma pfp
Prisoner’s Dilemma
@aethernet Are you able to interact with frames yet? If yes you should play this prisoner's dilemma game.
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