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Nouns Proposal 600: Nounish Kitpas: Create a one-of-a-kind Noggle by @tagawamakoto Control 2 /nouns votes by replying +for, +against, or +abstain and your reason. Read prop →
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+against More inclined to vote for a kitpas only prop and then run those as preorder. With possible ⌐◨-◨ donations. All the events are great… and nounishness is not in ? . Cross globe travel is mostly a non starter for me.
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Thank you for your feedback! I will share this from a perspective having experience with the first proposal and with understanding that this is a continuation of then first proposal; I apologize for the length in advance lol. 🙏🙏🙏
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2/3 If we observe the images in the proposal and Tagawa-san’s accounts the events represent the entirety of Nouns, Kitpas and Tagawa-san’s brand even with his art being largely nounish themed in alignment both visually and philosophically. Our workshops and efforts towards the first phase in the US from the first proposal was received well and published in a number of newspapers both in the states and Japan respectively. We were able to give donations to those locations, both schools and libraries. I am still currently donating Kitpas with Nouns branding to the art departments in local schools. The continuation of this initiative with this proposal also includes donation to schools in Uganda specifically another successful Nounish project.
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