popek1990.eth pfp
🗣The Fall of #0LNetwork?🤔 🕵️‍♂️Bug Network = buyers rekt 📢Team steals 🛑Hardfork removes whales & true validators -Decentralization? 📉3.76B $LIBRA locked, price drop -60%🤔 👇Full article👇 https://paragraph.xyz/@popek1990/preview/PslZFQlaHruJJcl7letJ @zoz.eth you still help dev this?
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popek1990.eth pfp
LIBRA , 0L Network , 0Decentralize
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𝚣𝚘𝚣 🎩 pfp
𝚣𝚘𝚣 🎩
The majority of the information in this blog post is incorrect. I sincerely feel for yours and others loss that were innocently affected in this. It took extremely long hours from numerous volunteers to try minimize the impact to innocent parties Those wrongfully affected should consider approaching the exploiters
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