Vadim pfp
I've become a real hostage to sugar. For many days in a row now, I can't deny myself at night to buy doughnuts, sweet yogurts, chocolates. Today I was walking in circles in the bakery department, trying to talk myself out of it. I could feel the craving in my stomach, but my subconscious was telling me it was time to stop. Did I really have no will left? Or am I disadvantaging myself by justifying the will, and choosing a dull life, psychologically killing myself? I ventured out to buy donuts with condensed milk inside and a whole jar of sweet cereal yogurt. But when I got home, I realized something was wrong..... The Universe had partially protected me: it turns out I had taken plain yogurt without sugar (it tasted like kefir). I only noticed it at home. But I will say this, I don't feel dull. I even feel better, if figuratively compare my condition with sweet yogurt
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