Polkadot pfp
New website for the next evolution of Polkadot! Say hello to the new and improved website by ecosystem core contributors Distractive. 🎨 New branding and design 💪 Simplified, approachable messaging ⚙️ Smoother user experience Explore what's new ⤵️ https://www.polkadot.com/ Months in the making, the new website is here to streamline usability & make it easier to get you where you're going. New to the eco? The site's straight-forward layout makes onboarding and learning about Polkadot easy. From the simplified architecture and clear messaging to new features, like the decentralized job board & events page, the site embodies Polkadot's ethos as the powerful, secure core of Web3. And it doesn't stop there- this is the first in many planned improvements over the next months. Next up will be the introduction of case studies, new landing pages, and narrative-specific pages to highlight projects. 💬 Have feedback? Share your thoughts via this form. https://36yqg9yu2ae.typeform.com/to/Cvjg9YqM
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