Austin E pfp

Austin E


498 Following

Josh Stark pfp
Josh Stark
What's a great book you'd recommend, but which you would predict no-one else has yet recommended on Farcaster? (I see a lot of the same titles come up in threads like this - let us reach deeper into our libraries!)
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Mishaal🎩 pfp
Even with all the hype, this book remains underrated. It is the most thought provoking book I’ve ever read.
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Austin E pfp
Austin E
Asked GPT how that compares to cumulative inflation in the 1970s
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Austin E pfp
Austin E
There are no bad versions of Bob Gaudio’s Beggin’ (but Timebox’s 1968 cover is the best)
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Austin E pfp
Austin E
TIL Nassim Taleb has been reviewing books on Amazon since 1999
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Austin E pfp
Austin E
Where on the S-curve is Disney’s ‘Hocus Pocus’?,Hocus%20Pocus%202
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Austin E pfp
Austin E
The Agony and the Ecstasy (Michelangelo) American Prometheus (Oppenheimer)
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Austin E pfp
Austin E
unlimited use recurring subscriptions (netflix, car washes, saas)
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Austin E pfp
Austin E
(🌯,🌯) GuacCoin @zach @bgrill.eth
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Austin E pfp
Austin E
Fiction: - Memoirs of Hadrian Non-fiction: - Debt: the First 5,000 Years - On Thinking For Oneself
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Austin E pfp
Austin E
Do any of the DALL-E / stable difffusions models produce vector graphics yet? These overpriced stock vector sites have to be nervous
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Austin E pfp
Austin E
@polk is a wild social experiment. Now I feel like if don't get a mint pass, this owl will never get the chance to live permanently on the blockchain.
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Austin E pfp
Austin E
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Austin E pfp
Austin E
“Micropayments, like all payments, require a comparison… there is a minimum mental transaction cost created by this fact that cannot be optimized away… the only transaction a user will be willing to approve with no thought will be one that costs them nothing” (Clay Shirky, 2000)
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Austin E pfp
Austin E
I think so. Stagnation in Nuclear’s ‘levelized cost of energy’ seems to be largely explained by Wright’s Law (little cumulative capacity growth = little learning)
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Austin E pfp
Austin E
Growing up the only exception to an otherwise strict “bedtime” was if I was reading a book. Great parenting hack. I thought I was beating the system.
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Austin E pfp
Austin E
If you like GEB, I’d recommend The Glass Bead Game by Hermann Hesse. I only started it this week, but 25% in and so far it’s Ender’s Game + GEB + Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
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Austin E pfp
Austin E
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Austin E pfp
Austin E
the limit does not exist
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Austin E pfp
Austin E
10/10 would recommend American Prometheus
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