polarzero pfp



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shazow pfp
https://svvy.sh/ - fork, create, simulate, visualize EVM transactions from the comfort of your browser. Very cool work by @polarzero, powered by whatsabi and tevm! 😊
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polarzero pfp
Glider https://x.com/0xpolarzero/status/1765475892321485261
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polarzero pfp
Dropping this here as well in case anyone can point me to some useful resource.
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polarzero pfp
I completed v1 of the frontend. - display prices in dollars; - customize the chain, and the price of both the base fee and native token (e.g. ETH). I've got something related to this in mind, so I'd appreciate any feedback. https://polarzero.xyz/gas-visualizer?author=0xpolarzero&repo=airdrop-gas-benchmarks
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polarzero pfp
Gas benchmarks for popular airdrop mechanisms, with native currencies, ERC20, ERC721 and ERC1155 tokens. Including: - custom claim-based airdrop contracts (mapping, merkle tree, signature) - Gaslite GasliteDrop - @tokens Wentokens - @thirdweb airdrop contracts - Disperse https://t.co/rDxy8YpMp0
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polarzero pfp
My setup for fuzzing @superformxyz ERC1155A contract. Did this during the competition, and I thought some people might be interested (no bugs found with this, that's why I'm sharing it). I tried a new iterative and very naive method for this one. https://github.com/0xpolarzero/superform-erc1155a-fuzzing
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polarzero pfp
I borrowed the concept of concave/convex dispositions from @vitalik.eth, which helps explain how the quality of decisions is related to different scales of delegation.
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polarzero pfp
I published my most thorough piece yet. It's a non-technical one, rather political and somewhat philosophical. On delegation in modern democracies: how it breeds indifference, especially as it often involves people delegating their understanding and awareness along with their authority. https://tinyurl.com/yw4a2tuz
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polarzero pfp
Really appreciate it! Thanks again for the invite!
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