Tarun Chitra pfp
Tarun Chitra
OH: Ethereum is Reddit Solana is 4chan NEAR is Quora Cosmos is are.na
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Alok Vasudev pfp
Alok Vasudev
NEAR has pmf in India??
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sterlacci.eth 🗽 pfp
sterlacci.eth 🗽
who uses quora?
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hxrts pfp
wow, this speaks to me
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July pfp
Ethereum is Twitter Cosmos is more like different subreddits fighting with each other and Jae Kwon throwing his toys out of the pram because he got kicked out of a subreddit by a bunch of mods that didn't agree with him, and now he's starting a new subreddit called r/TheRealCosmos
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Royal pfp
Now do NFT collections 😂
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Joe Blau 🎩 pfp
Joe Blau 🎩
1337 $DEGEN 😂😂😂
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