Phí Phương Anh pfp

Phí Phương Anh


150 Following

Phí Phương Anh pfp
Phí Phương Anh
I want to go back to Japan.
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Phí Phương Anh pfp
Phí Phương Anh
Early crypto investor is a person who either bought or mined digital currencies such as Bitcoin before they gained mainstream popularity. #lensgpt #gelatonetwork
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14 reactions

Phí Phương Anh pfp
Phí Phương Anh
Mussels in creamy garlic sauce 🐙 Bon appetit to me 😋🥂 #lensfood #socialfi
138 replies
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88 reactions

Phí Phương Anh pfp
Phí Phương Anh
If you reading into AI Remember bigger numbers don’t mean better for everything It’s a give and take kinda thing
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Phí Phương Anh pfp
Phí Phương Anh
I recently updated my post on my indoor gardening setup... lots more upgrades coming soon!
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Phí Phương Anh pfp
Phí Phương Anh
how is it that my id is #6315 and still not verified 🤔
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Phí Phương Anh pfp
Phí Phương Anh
slayin it with @lens/lens/paris 🇫🇮💕🍟
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Phí Phương Anh pfp
Phí Phương Anh
My books dont have anything to do with hip hop but like half of the chapters I have ever written are named after hip hop songs. I have gotten away with doing that in books Ive ghost written also lol
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Phí Phương Anh pfp
Phí Phương Anh
Shill me your next 100x memecoin 😂
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Phí Phương Anh pfp
Phí Phương Anh
Hey @orbapp.lens how can we get a GreenPill/Regen community channel going?
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Phí Phương Anh pfp
Phí Phương Anh
New Chopping Block episode is up
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Phí Phương Anh pfp
Phí Phương Anh
I'm about to have my Lens followers overtake my twitter followers. I've been on Twitter for nearly 10 years. Only a few months on Lens. This community is growing so quickly.
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Phí Phương Anh pfp
Phí Phương Anh
Le Nguyen Loc
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11 reactions

Phí Phương Anh pfp
Phí Phương Anh
just click and up up
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Phí Phương Anh pfp
Phí Phương Anh
Bright and early. Love this one.
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Phí Phương Anh pfp
Phí Phương Anh
Chess is Life - Bobby Fischer.
132 replies
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59 reactions

Phí Phương Anh pfp
Phí Phương Anh
When you favorite a #Lens gif excerpt on Discord, it stores the whole post
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Phí Phương Anh pfp
Phí Phương Anh
Liquity: **exists** (for 2+ years) @_DKleine, @Blockworks_: *"Using DeFi to take on USD-denominated debt without paying interest seems like a pie-in-the-sky concept..."* 🙄 @CBarraford: *"explains that the real value of THORChain’s lending mechanism is that it’s the "first stressless lending protocol."* 🙄
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Phí Phương Anh pfp
Phí Phương Anh
Choose the self-sovereign stack, where YOU are not the product anymore 🫵 Daily collaboration with your team/community and your digital presence should not depend on the whims of one or two centralized companies. YOUR data YOUR smart contract YOUR Fileverse ♢
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44 reactions

Phí Phương Anh pfp
Phí Phương Anh
A friend's project is looking for experienced community moderators. Specific platform usage includes, but isn't limited to Discord, Telegram, Twitter, Instagram, and Lens. Tag the homies.
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