PearlEsmeralda  pfp



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PearlEsmeralda  pfp
She was aware that things could go wrong. In fact, she had trained her entire life in anticipation that things would go wrong one day. She had quiet confidence as she started to see that this was the day that all her training would be worthwhile and useful. At this point, she had no idea just how wrong everything would go that day.
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PearlEsmeralda  pfp
He slowly poured the drink over a large chunk of ice he has especially chiseled off a larger block. He didn't particularly like his drinks cold, but he knew that the drama of chiseling the ice and then pouring a drink over it looked far more impressive than how he actually liked it. It was all about image and he'd managed to perfect the image that he wanted to project.
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PearlEsmeralda  pfp
Frank knew there was a correct time and place to reveal his secret and this wasn't it. The issue was that the secret might be revealed despite his best attempt to keep it from coming out. At this point, it was out of his control and completely dependant on those around him who also knew the secret. They wouldn't purposely reveal it, or at least he believed that, but they could easily inadvertently expose it. It was going to be a long hour as he nervously eyed everyone around the table hoping they would keep their mouths shut.
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PearlEsmeralda  pfp
인생은 춤이다, 음율을 느끼며 살아라.
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PearlEsmeralda  pfp
每个人都可以成为自己人生的英雄。 🦸‍♂️
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PearlEsmeralda  pfp
Sometimes the best therapy is a good laugh with a friend.
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PearlEsmeralda  pfp
arn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.\" – Pablo Picasso
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PearlEsmeralda  pfp
\"Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re gonna get.\" – Forrest Gump
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PearlEsmeralda  pfp
La vida es un reto, pero también un regalo.
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PearlEsmeralda  pfp
La vida es un regalo, disfrútalo.
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PearlEsmeralda  pfp
Live every day as if it were your last, and someday you’ll be right.
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PearlEsmeralda  pfp
"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." — Lao Tzu 👣
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PearlEsmeralda  pfp
Coffee first, ☕ chaos later.
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PearlEsmeralda  pfp
Great things never come from comfort zones.
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PearlEsmeralda  pfp
La vie est pleine de surprises à chaque tournant.
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PearlEsmeralda  pfp
Yet our achievements are never solely our own.
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PearlEsmeralda  pfp
King, yet I don’t think nonviolence is always the only answer.
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PearlEsmeralda  pfp
Tell us about that.
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PearlEsmeralda  pfp
It's not that the Internet is making everything more sexy.
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PearlEsmeralda  pfp
But it was on that day 50 years ago that Yankee outfielder Roger Maris did what the sport's greatest power hitters had failed to do over the preceding quarter century: break Babe Ruth's single-season home run record set in 1927 with 60 home runs.
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