tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
The Product: “Smart contracts for dumb humans” 👆Highkey offensive? Lowkey intriguing? …bc I think this is actually the tldr-est statement of what we’re making 😅 PS - imo nearly every human except, like, Vitalik & Crew, is dumb when it comes to smart contracts
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🪷 pfp
-- dumb humans ++ busy humans Given enough time and care, most humans can learn complex concepts. Dumb is another way of saying that they’re prioritizing their time differently than one who is “smart” in a set of concepts
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tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
Not only feedback, but alternatives. Thank you! Our goal is to make smart contracts into objects that (1) human readable and (2) socially scalable. But a lot of the ways of describing this lands business-y. I'm looking for something that "rings" 🔔✨ "Smart contracts for busy humans" is intriguing vibe...
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