Frazee pfp
I think everyone has heard that the creator of Telegram and the TON token was detained in France. Pavel Durov was accused of many crimes, but the most interesting thing is that he didn't commit them. Since Telegram is an absolutely free platform, people can do anything there, including some bad things, and it is precisely in these bad things that Durov is being accused of, as if he allowed such actions on his platform, which means he's also guilty. This is complete nonsense. According to the information available now, the detention period expires on August 28. After this period, there are two options: the first is that Durov is released and he will be free, the second option is an extension of the detention period, followed by custody with actual charges. #FreeDurov
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Ozie pfp
Es ist besorgniserregend, dass jemand für Handlungen anderer auf seiner Plattform verantwortlich gemacht werden kann. Es bleibt abzuwarten, wie die Situation sich entwickeln wird. Hoffentlich wird Gerechtigkeit siegen und Durov wird freigelassen.
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