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DV (insert a lot of emojis) pfp
DV (insert a lot of emojis)
Our dog is 13 and never had to deal with other animals... Now... Our oldest daughter got a kitten... It's a lot of work getting them accustomed but... This is a lot of progress! *Any tips would be appreciated
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Aaron - Open Plains Studios pfp
Aaron - Open Plains Studios
It takes time mainly. Maybe have the cat being petted and loved on while the dog is present. Or even praise and pet both animals at the same time. You can make it a family effort. Older dogs can get anxiety and that could help calm the dogs nerves and show that the cat is part of the herd. But in my experience, it’s always just time. Good luck 50 $degen
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DV (insert a lot of emojis) pfp
DV (insert a lot of emojis)
I like how you put "part of the herd"... I gotta think like that. Thanks Yes he is super high anxiety already I just do a little then give them a break off and on. Time...
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