Matthew pfp
Seeing the number of people attacking the lovely Jesse Pollak and what Base is working towards is honestly sad. It feels like people are extremely short-sighted despite the obvious long-term plans for decentralization, as per the OP Stack and rollup-centric roadmap. Things can’t magically become decentralized over night, and guess what? Probably not in many months, a year or even several years in some cases, can a layer-2 decentralize to the extent your favourite anime pfp “philosopher” is happy with. 90% of people just leech onto the hate of others and echo their uninformed opinions. It’s horrendous. There’s no critical thinking. The constant tearing down of others, especially on such short time periods is just really lame. Programming, not “building”, but actually programming the technology is not as easy as everyone seems to think it is. The lack of cooperation and faith in crypto is unsettling.
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Oosamiij pfp
How can you make this statement and not do your own research? We've been attacked. We couldn't use discord for 24hrs and striked for 2 years. Our Discord is gone, along with a memorial. What did 99.9% of us do? Nothing besides holding an NFT and being a member of a discord. Some are permanently banned. Lost their own discords. Cut the ability for people to work. So, who is the real victim here?
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