The FOMO airdrop wave on Telegram is sweeping through the crypto community, drawing users into a frenzy driven by the fear of missing out. Philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre’s idea of “freedom as a burden” mirrors this pressure—users are free to join, but there’s always an anxiety of missing potential gains. Like Achilles’ heel, even savvy participants have a vulnerability: FOMO. Each airdrop promises success but often chases illusions like the shadows in Plato’s Cave. Some may risk security in a Faustian bargain, giving away personal info for fleeting rewards, while others follow the herd, lost in the flood of hype, much like Dostoevsky’s portrayal of human chaos. In the end, this FOMO-driven chase can feel like Camus’ “The Stranger”—an endless pursuit where true value may slip away amid ephemeral hopes.
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