nx pfp



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nx pfp
how can one create a farcaster account with crypto instead of paying through warpcast/mobile app store?
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nx pfp
What is the best automatic way to DCA into crypto right now using only onchain funds/DEXes? So say user buys USDC on base and wants to buy BTC, ETH + others every month
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nx pfp
When using a composer action in a cast reply, is it possible to get the cast hash of the OP cast the composer action is used on?
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nx pfp
What does it take for airstack to index farcaster frames? I am seeing some inconsistencies in how some URLs are treated as either embeds or frames
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nx pfp
testing frame
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nx pfp
hey hey this a test frame for a project I am contributing to for onchain summer :) https://far-reach.vercel.app/frames?campaignId=6
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nx pfp
Is there a way to show and potentially revoke farcaster connections in warpcast?
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nx pfp
/co airdrop
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nx pfp
Can everyone just tell me when you stop looking at the button so I can win Thanks
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nx pfp
I can’t save a cast as a draft if I start writing it from an already opened channel on mobile. If I start writing a cast, and then specify a channel, it works.
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nx pfp
What are your favorite niche channels that you enjoy hanging out in?
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nx pfp
Can someone pin both the framedl and the openframedl frames, so they are easier to access
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nx pfp
What are some merchants that accept crypto? And have you already used crypto to buy something irl?
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nx pfp
Is there a problem interacting with frames right now? It throws me an error if I try to
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nx pfp
but does your amp go to 11
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nx pfp
Don’t Panic.
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nx pfp
Does /books have book of the month?
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nx pfp
warpcast has so many cool features I wonder how much it would take to get non-crypto people to use it
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