Once a year for the rest of my life (or until I let them remove my stomach) :D Thank fuck that I don’t have to pay out of pocket for heath care 🇨🇦
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every year that's extreme. i have crohn's disease so i get probed more than normal but thankfully not more than once for the endoscopy. the up the butt ones seem not ideal either but at least my butt can't gag
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Yeah, someone in the family got genetic tests done because of the cancers that they've had, and the results came back and showed that they have a CDH1 mutation (which isn't actually related to the cancers they had lmao) which meant that a couple of us had to get tested too, and so far we've all come back positive for the mutation. Over the last couple years the data has gotten better so now its only around a 30% chance I get cancer, and not closer to 80% like they previously thought. The recommendation is still to completely remove the stomach eventually though 😅 Unless I find blood in my stool or something I get to put off the butt ones until I'm ~40 though, so at least I'm not getting it from both ends for a bit lol
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oh wow that sounds extreme. i'd definitely rather get scoped every year than remove the stomach. gl with your probing 50 $degen
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Yeah, that’s my thought too. Can’t exactly put the stomach back in once they take it out lol And thank you, I hope yours haven’t been too bad 🫂
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