nomash πŸͺ pfp

nomash πŸͺ


223 Following

nomash πŸͺ pfp
nomash πŸͺ
Since I haven’t casted any quests in a while…
2 replies
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nomash πŸͺ pfp
nomash πŸͺ
β€œA place to debate ideas rather than people” *names channel after self πŸ˜‚
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nomash πŸͺ pfp
nomash πŸͺ
As we are nearing the end of season 3, I’ll only be tipping lions for the final days. You all deserve it ❀️
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nomash πŸͺ pfp
nomash πŸͺ
Does anyone else find fake positivity well draining? Don’t get me wrong, genuine good vibes are the best kind of vibe, and politeness always has its place. But that shallow β€˜fake’ teetering on the edge of bum licking that inevitably drowns out controversial/non popular opinion is draining af
7 replies
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nomash πŸͺ pfp
nomash πŸͺ
I’m at the shooting range πŸ”«πŸ”«πŸ”« like if you’re down range
60 replies
17 recasts
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nomash πŸͺ pfp
nomash πŸͺ
1 reply
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nomash πŸͺ pfp
nomash πŸͺ
minted my /farcards
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nomash πŸͺ pfp
nomash πŸͺ
All replies got paid, but likes and recasts gave you the chance to get a bonus! @evelyn1998 reply here for your bonus! I should start using money gun πŸ™ƒ
16 replies
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nomash πŸͺ pfp
nomash πŸͺ
I would never ask you to recast or like this to get paid, but it wouldn’t hurt πŸ˜‰
26 replies
19 recasts
24 reactions

nomash πŸͺ pfp
nomash πŸͺ
Keeping it simple, guess my card for a prize! Like this cast to join the raffle!
12 replies
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nomash πŸͺ pfp
nomash πŸͺ
SHARE or STEAL round 2 - If everyone picks SHARE I'll split my tips with everyone - If one person picks STEAL I'll tip them the whole amount - If more than one person picks STEAL no one gets anything Game ends in 15 minutes
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nomash πŸͺ pfp
nomash πŸͺ
Don’t make me do this, volunteer your bags now! πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’° Pssst join us in /sidequest where we’ll be playing game of SHARE or STEAL shortly
10 replies
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9 reactions

nomash πŸͺ pfp
nomash πŸͺ
Based is the other wings woke
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nomash πŸͺ pfp
nomash πŸͺ
Let's play a game: SHARE or STEAL - If everyone picks share I'll split my tips with everyone - If one person picks steal I'll tip them the whole amount - If more than one person picks steal no one gets anything Game ends in 15 minutes
9 replies
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nomash πŸͺ pfp
nomash πŸͺ
Lets be real; 4/20 or not, we bake
3 replies
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nomash πŸͺ pfp
nomash πŸͺ
Every single one of you said share, and you all got rewarded for it! πŸ™πŸ™Œ
7 replies
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nomash πŸͺ pfp
nomash πŸͺ
Do you prefer to have a big amount paid to one person, or the same amount shared between you? πŸ€”
17 replies
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nomash πŸͺ pfp
nomash πŸͺ
0 reply
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nomash πŸͺ pfp
nomash πŸͺ
roar lets have a tip off
8 replies
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nomash πŸͺ pfp
nomash πŸͺ
Open your bags I’ve got a deposit to make
23 replies
1 recast
14 reactions