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Base Colors is in its gold rush era Hex color words like @ffaded, 3-digit hex colors, grail codes like #000000, and brand palettes are the equivalent of massive mintable deposits But projects like Soulbounds and now by @ivanmelnyk highlight the smaller, more personal deposits of value distributed amongst the 16.7M colors left that can still be minted like the following seemingly generic hex code I minted that's actually derived from the hex code of my main crypto wallet address
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Thank you for using my tool, I hope you found it helpful!
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Was super straightforward Could be helpful to auto-populate the input field with the hexidecimal address of the connected wallet (if unclaimed)
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I was considering auto-filling the wallet address by connecting to the site, but unfortunately, my programming knowledge isn't enough. The only thing I've managed to implement is the wallet connection, which only works in the Coinbase Wallet browser.
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Wallet Connect worked seamlessly using my mobile MetaMask fwiw Like Jake said we like simple haha
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