Nick Prince  pfp

Nick Prince


363 Following

Nick Prince  pfp
Nick Prince
I don’t know what we’re doing here but I refuse to miss out
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Nick Prince  pfp
Nick Prince
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Nick Prince  pfp
Nick Prince
future of onchain UX is gasless and phraseless try it for yourself: hmu if you're building with smart accounts + paymasters Base will meet you wherever you are with gas credits 💸
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Nick Prince  pfp
Nick Prince
It’s happening - FT clubs as a coordination tool starting to influence events beyond Base
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Nick Prince  pfp
Nick Prince
FT clubs (on the casual curve) are extremely similar to warpcast channels. Main differences are 1) messages contained within clubs 2) clubs provide some financial exposure Likely not a coincidence the top onchain social apps are converging on this
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Nick Prince  pfp
Nick Prince
Racer talking to Jacek in the Degen club is simply never going to get old
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Nick Prince  pfp
Nick Prince
hmu if you’re supporting Coinbase’s smart wallet and would like Base gas credits to your paymaster
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Nick Prince  pfp
Nick Prince
well well well
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Nick Prince  pfp
Nick Prince
Neat frame
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Nick Prince  pfp
Nick Prince
Hardly ever do threads but this failed pirate takeover of the west ham club is too funny not to chronicle Starts with pirates flooding into the club and voting Captain Bunny for President
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Nick Prince  pfp
Nick Prince
Are there any good onchain RFQ systems, ie for OTC style trades?
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Nick Prince  pfp
Nick Prince
product velocity picking up post v2! coming soon: 🟢 keydrops (powerful acquisition tool that ppl are already doing via contracts) 🟢 memeclubs (community + token all in one place = wowza) 🟢 pinned rooms (great for organization)
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Nick Prince  pfp
Nick Prince
Bought into the Base club and my vote swung @bayardo.eth back to President 🫡 Please consider joining so we can hold off the pirates when they attack again (I see you makesy)
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Nick Prince  pfp
Nick Prince
@jacek just made @ciniz a mod on the Degen club Cool to see Degen community becoming multi tenant across onchain social This is the path to max growth / utility
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Nick Prince  pfp
Nick Prince
Degen tipping in FT soon? @jacek please make retroactive so I get my 1M from @tldr 🙏🕺
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Nick Prince  pfp
Nick Prince
Degen community onboarded to FT FT intern in disbelief Higher together ↑
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Nick Prince  pfp
Nick Prince
gm alfafrens
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Nick Prince  pfp
Nick Prince
someone named Captain Bunny has assembled a gang of pirates and they're taking over FT clubs 🏴‍☠️ can always count on crypto to produce the most entertaining outcome
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Nick Prince  pfp
Nick Prince
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Nick Prince  pfp
Nick Prince
v2 launching in 1 day 🚀
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