Tuấn Kiệt 🎭 pfp
Tuấn Kiệt 🎭
3 thoughts that would have made my life easier if they had come to me sooner: 1. Don't trust people who break the chain of command and allow themselves too much in communication. 2. If a certain person evokes unpleasant emotions, you need to eliminate communication with them. 3. Either you take from a person what you need and what was agreed upon. Or, by giving weakness, you agree to little. In the end, this weakness of yours can cost you dearly. https://canhrau.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/nhung-hinh-anh-phong-canh-dep-nhat-hinh-19.png
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Nguyen Lan Anh 🎩 pfp
Nguyen Lan Anh 🎩
Hôm nay người đã gặp phải những thách thức gì chưa? Gadzooks! ❤️‍🔥
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