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NFTs2Me pfp
Introducing NFTs2Me contracts v2: - Exciting new features that make NFT creation and collecting easier and more powerful than ever. - New revenue model to empower creators through Creator Rewards. - Further gas savings. Let's dive into them 👇 #NFTs2MeV2
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NFTs2Me pfp
During the last months we've been building new contracts with awesome features and further gas savings. In the following days we'll be exploring all the new features that you'll be able to enjoy while having the cheapest gas usage to deploy your NFT contracts. 🧵⬇️
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NFTs2Me pfp
We're highly concerned about security and reliability with our tool. 🔒 That's why we've had our new smart contracts audited by QuillAudits ✅. 📑 Check out more details in our doc: 🧵⬇️
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NFTs2Me pfp
Deploying and managing NFT collections, including those generated with the generative art tool, remains completely free on both Mainnet and Testnet. 🧵⬇️
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NFTs2Me pfp
We have removed our withdrawal commission %. On withdrawals the creator receives 100% of the rewards accumulated on their contracts. 🧵⬇️
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NFTs2Me pfp
We only charge a small flat fee called "Protocol Fee" to collectors when they mint your NFTs. This tiny fee of just 0.0001 ETH (~$0.30, or even lower depending on the blockchain) helps keep NFTs2Me running smoothly and supports both devs and creator (Creator Rewards). 🧵⬇️
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NFTs2Me pfp
Creators can choose to set a higher "Protocol Fee" that will be split between "Creator Rewards" and "Platform Fee". It can be at most as high as the "Platform Fee". Anything higher than that will be treated as "Minting Fee". 🧵⬇️
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NFTs2Me pfp
This makes @nfts2me super accessible for anyone to bring their NFT ideas to life while supporting creators with "Creator Rewards". This fee is only applied to collectors (creation and airdrop minting have no cost), and can be removed if needed. 🧵⬇️
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NFTs2Me pfp
The creator can opt to remove this "Protocol Fee" for a cost lower than what the collector would pay. It is a great way to incentivize users to mint your NFTs. If you're a creator who's been with us for a while and you're having trouble with this new policy, DM us. 🧵⬇️
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NFTs2Me pfp
📄 More info about the "Protocol Fee" in our doc: Keep an eye out for more updates from #NFTs2MeV2! 🚀
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