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Fred Ehrsam pfp
Fred Ehrsam
A lot of the best dystopian scifi had the right scientific ideas but was too lazy to imagine the positive outcomes
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Toady Hawk 🟡🎩 ᖽ  pfp
Toady Hawk 🟡🎩 ᖽ
Or they just didn’t think the positive ones would get butts in seats.
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Fred Ehrsam pfp
Fred Ehrsam
Is it possible to sell just as well (specifically, have the same level of emotional activation to create engagement) if there is still a source of tension in the plot but ultimately the outcome of the story is positive? Maybe people don’t believe the positive outcome is possible?
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Kiran pfp
I think interstellar is a good example here. dystopian foundation wrt blight and mass starvation, but ultimately positive outcome & inspiring end scenes
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