kevinnn pfp
I’m excited to share a fun experiment I helped to @launch this week with Songcamp. It’s called CC0lab and you can check it out here:
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kevinnn pfp
There you’ll find a mixtape of 16 songs by 18 musicians in 2 weeks at the end of the Chaos project. The mixtape, tracks, and stems are CC0 and entirely free to use. However, we’ve released the mixtape as an open edition on Zora and won’t be releasing the stems until 77 tokens have been minted—but we’re almost
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kevinnn pfp
For context, this is an experiment. Our thesis is that putting CC0 music onchain and creating a brand around it will create an environment that others want to engage in and that this will drive value back to the creators through the brand and NFT sales. Only time will tell, but initial interest has been strong.
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