Nick Confrey | Seam pfp

Nick Confrey | Seam


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Nick Confrey | Seam pfp
Nick Confrey | Seam
Miniapps (aka frames) are the future of social networks
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Nick Confrey | Seam pfp
Nick Confrey | Seam
🧩 miniapp idea of the week 🧩 turn your art (or your fave image) into a game. drop it into the puzzle-maker miniapp to make a slide puzzle for everyone else to play with.
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Nick Confrey | Seam pfp
Nick Confrey | Seam
How do consumer crypto projects like Farcaster typically do moderation? Specifically for things like profile photos to make sure they don’t contain explicit content — debating our options for Seam rn
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Nick Confrey | Seam pfp
Nick Confrey | Seam
The way that web2 social makes money is broken — here’s how Seam is fixing it. :
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Nick Confrey | Seam pfp
Nick Confrey | Seam
SEAM IS LIVE ON THE APPSTORE!! the first community-built app to code, design, and curate your perfect social spaces. let's remix the internet together. be an OG in 🇺🇸 and 🇨🇦 on iOS and mint the launch on @forage:
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Nick Confrey | Seam pfp
Nick Confrey | Seam
My favorite NYC building will always be the Empire State
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Nick Confrey | Seam pfp
Nick Confrey | Seam
Farcaster needs banner images for channels!!
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Nick Confrey | Seam pfp
Nick Confrey | Seam
miniapp idea this week: beat-maker 🎶 what if you could use Seam to create and share mixes whenever and wherever you want?
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Nick Confrey | Seam pfp
Nick Confrey | Seam
Seam 2 👀
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Nick Confrey | Seam pfp
Nick Confrey | Seam
miniapp idea this week: 3d object block what if 3d artists could show off their work directly in the feed? the miniapp could take in any 3d object file and the block would be an interactive, panning view of it.
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Nick Confrey | Seam pfp
Nick Confrey | Seam
Joes — best pizza in NYC. No one can change my mind.
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Nick Confrey | Seam pfp
Nick Confrey | Seam
Seam Claim Farcaster Handle Frame Results: - 5.8k profiles claimed! If you haven't customized your Seam profile yet, login to with your Farcaster wallet and you'll get edit access over the page you've claimed.
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Nick Confrey | Seam pfp
Nick Confrey | Seam
things I've learned building frames: - debugging is hard. currently using `vercel dev` in one terminal, `ngrok http http://localhost:3000 --log=stdout` in the other, and changing the post url to the ngrok one in the frame. - Neynar is GREAT. Their `frame/validate` function is amazing. props to @manan and @rish
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Nick Confrey | Seam pfp
Nick Confrey | Seam
testing something...
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Nick Confrey | Seam pfp
Nick Confrey | Seam
Launching the Farcaster Top Casts block, powered by @neynar! You can now see what posts are your all time most popular, across all of Farcaster. Using Neynar is super easy so I'm taking suggestions for any other Farcaster-related blocks -- let me know.
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Nick Confrey | Seam pfp
Nick Confrey | Seam
@degentip !create
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Nick Confrey | Seam pfp
Nick Confrey | Seam
First block bounty is live!
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Nick Confrey | Seam pfp
Nick Confrey | Seam
Welcome to Seam on Farcaster! Let’s make the sharing with your friends fun & chaotic again. Drag and drop blocks, like music, gifs, and pixel art, and post to your friends walls using mini-apps. If the way you want to share doesn’t exist yet, you can code a mini-app yourself using our Block SDK.
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Nick Confrey | Seam pfp
Nick Confrey | Seam
Launching Seam Social today with the announcement of our $2.5m seed round of funding, led by 1kx! Seam is a web3 community-developed social media platform to code, design, and curate your perfect social spaces. Read about our plan to Remix the Internet: @launch
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Nick Confrey | Seam pfp
Nick Confrey | Seam
Just had to delete Converse (an XMTP client) because I was getting too many spam messages. I wonder if wallet to wallet messaging can work given how easy it is to send spam 🤔
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