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Webacy  Ⓜ️ pfp
Webacy Ⓜ️
Here's what we know about the charges against Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram: Law enforcement believes that Pavel Durov is involved in drug trafficking, crimes against children, and fraud due to inadequate moderation on Telegram and his refusal to cooperate with law enforcement, as well as the ability to transfer cryptocurrency through the messenger, as reported by TF1. According to TF1, he could be charged with a variety of crimes, including terrorism, drug trafficking, fraud, money laundering, and indecent content involving children. The Telegram founder was remanded in custody, TF1 reported. AFP later reported that French judicial authorities had extended his detention. One of the investigators in Durov's case expressed surprise that he decided to fly to France despite knowing he was wanted. A source close to the investigation suggested that the businessman decided to fly to Paris because of a sense of impunity.
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RosiMdr 🐹⛓️🔵 🎩💎  pfp
RosiMdr 🐹⛓️🔵 🎩💎
WTH 🤯🤯
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