when we start living on other planets: - all date time libraries are going to have to be rewritten - timezones will require you to specify what planet you're on - will have to include / account for potential transmission delays between planets - what will be the UTC for interplanetary comms - prob earth
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🎩 MxVoid 🎩
For the sake of simplicity, everything will probably be indexed to the reference frame of the UNIX epoch timestamp on Earth. Here's a PDF explaining the current implementation of time sync in deep space and on Mars: https://trs.jpl.nasa.gov/bitstream/handle/2014/45061/10-0908_A1b.pdf?sequence=1
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🎩 MxVoid 🎩
IOW, the current implementation is "NTP 🌌 IN SPAAAAAAAACE! 🌌"
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