ted (not lasso) pfp
ted (not lasso)
okay @survey, important demographic data. who here is: 1. single 2. dating 3. in a committed relationship 4. married 5. other 6. fuck it just show me the results
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Mr. Wildenfree 🐺🍡🎡 pfp
Mr. Wildenfree 🐺🍡🎡
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Mr. Wildenfree 🐺🍡🎡 pfp
Mr. Wildenfree 🐺🍡🎡
I’m dating, but not close enough to a relationship to feel like I am. I’ve been on the fence, mostly uncertain of the prospects I currently date. Wonderful women, however I feel too practical in the pursuits of love; Always aiming to optimize for better alignment for my certainty to stick. …And I get FOMO 🫠
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