Art Sallo pfp
Art Sallo
* Whales are the largest animals on Earth. Blue whales, in particular, can grow up to 100 feet long and weigh over 200 tons! * They are mammals. Despite living in the ocean, whales are mammals. This means they are warm-blooded, breathe air, and give birth to live young. * Whales communicate using sound. They produce a variety of complex sounds, including songs, clicks, and whistles. These sounds can travel for hundreds of miles underwater. * They eat a lot. Baleen whales, like blue whales, filter tiny organisms called krill from the water using baleen plates in their mouths. Toothed whales, like orcas, have teeth and eat fish, squid, and even other marine mammals. * Whales migrate long distances. Many whale species migrate thousands of miles each year between their feeding and breeding grounds.
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