If you like to encourage new & interesting Farcasters who are finding their way....Here are 4 I came across this week: @alexshul.eth - Wisconsin cheerleader and /gmfarcaster intern (I assume onboarded by @adrienne ) @moonbeamr - stained glass artist, making cool chessboards among other things @saso - a nurse jumping into web3, intro'd by @abbass.eth @russellgiuliano - a crypto lawyer intro'd by @androidsixteen.eth
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So honoured to be included in this list, thank you! PS I was intro’d by the lovely @ceej & @underdog who have been onboarding some really cool people 😍
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I LOVE THAT PEOPLE LOVE BEAMR also @pieroguy is a good new follow too ive been on a cool ppl onboarding mission this week
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