Nguyễn Thương Hà 🎭 pfp
Nguyễn Thương Hà 🎭
Remember to take profits. Don’t be the type to hold your bags to zero. Markets have cycles. Take profits along the way, even if you miss out on the top. Ignore the “paper hands” and “hodl” narrative. if you’re in Web3 to make money, make sure you take the money. Taking profits is healthy and necessary for this whole thing to actually work. Otherwise we’re just playing with monopoly money.
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Minh Nhí 🎭🎭 pfp
Minh Nhí 🎭🎭
Mercy! tau thực sự cảm kích về sự cống hiến và kiến thức huynh mang lại qua bài viết này! 2 $hunt
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