mina pfp



1975 Following

mina pfp
What movie does this mask remind us of? Tell me its name?
26 replies
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36 reactions

mina pfp
Where is your choice for a summer trip? Italy or Greece
54 replies
28 recasts
69 reactions

mina pfp
hi friend i invite you to masks channel
41 replies
23 recasts
46 reactions

mina pfp
Claim $PEPE
2 replies
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3 reactions

mina pfp
This image symbolizes the journey towards success and wealth. The steps covered in dollar bills and the light at the end represent the effort and determination needed to achieve ambitious goals.
7 replies
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36 reactions

mina pfp
Congratulations to all😍
7 replies
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44 reactions

mina pfp
Nikola Tesla was one of the greatest inventors and electrical engineers, whose ideas and inventions profoundly impacted the development of electrical and magnetic technologies.
17 replies
8 recasts
172 reactions

mina pfp
Programming is the art of turning ideas into digital reality. Each line of code is a step towards building a new and functional world. With a cup of coffee in hand, inspiration and focus reach their peak, allowing creativity to flow in creating digital products.
15 replies
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191 reactions

mina pfp
This painting is a unique work of art✨
2 replies
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64 reactions

mina pfp
The Porsche logo features symbols from the city of Stuttgart and the state of Baden-Württemberg. In the center of the logo, there is a rearing horse representing Stuttgart, along with red and black stripes and golden deer antlers. These elements signify Porsche's history and heritage.
13 replies
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171 reactions

mina pfp
Do you like to drive on this road?😁
17 replies
4 recasts
66 reactions

mina pfp
Mohammadreza Shah Pahlavi (1980-1919), the last king of Iran, ruled from 1941 to 1979. He became famous for his modernization reforms, but dissatisfaction with his policies led to the 1357 revolution and his overthrow. He died in Egypt after exile.
24 replies
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172 reactions

mina pfp
A group of childhood foods that almost all become nostalgic for us🥹
18 replies
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69 reactions

mina pfp
This photo shows a woman with her head inside a cage and free birds around her. The cage symbolizes women's restrictions, while the free birds represent their desire for freedom. This image highlights women's rights and freedom.
16 replies
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181 reactions

mina pfp
The image of the astronaut against the large, bright moon, along with the incredible details in the spacesuit and the surrounding environment, presents a very powerful and inspiring depiction of space exploration. It conveys a strong sense of adventure and discovery in space.
13 replies
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76 reactions

mina pfp
Zora is a blockchain-based platform that allows users to create, buy, and sell digital art and NFTs (non-fungible tokens). It enables artists and content creators to earn directly from their works while ensuring ownership and authenticity.
15 replies
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65 reactions

mina pfp
The sunrise in the meadow feels like nature awakening. The first rays of light turn the field golden and orange, making every dew drop sparkle. In this serene moment, the gentle breeze and birds' songs welcome the new day, filling the meadow with life and hope.
11 replies
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56 reactions

mina pfp
Tell me in the comments what you do when you are not in a good mood??
16 replies
16 recasts
48 reactions

mina pfp
The message of this image is that mindset and attitude can make a significant difference in perception and performance. Even if our current conditions seem limited, having the right mindset can lead us towards success and strength.
25 replies
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75 reactions

mina pfp
This image represents the intersection of the human world and technology, where individual identity is intertwined with algorithms and digital codes. It symbolizes the growing dependence of humans on technology and the importance of programming in the modern world.
33 replies
13 recasts
76 reactions