miladmirzaie 🎩🐹 pfp

miladmirzaie 🎩🐹


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miladmirzaie 🎩🐹 pfp
miladmirzaie 🎩🐹
When you see me with my MASK on: know that I am not your enemy. I am here to help, to protect and to stand between you and the darkness that might threaten you
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miladmirzaie 🎩🐹 pfp
miladmirzaie 🎩🐹
Real builders commit, and I just committed 3.75M $BUILD tokens to the BUILD Summer Fund. 🫡
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miladmirzaie 🎩🐹 pfp
miladmirzaie 🎩🐹
Do you think this mask is suitable for your face?
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miladmirzaie 🎩🐹 pfp
miladmirzaie 🎩🐹
The warrior behind the /masks may be in pain and worn, but he is resolute and determined to finish what he has started. 👍 😍
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miladmirzaie 🎩🐹 pfp
miladmirzaie 🎩🐹
Exercise has many benefits for the health of the body, including skin rejuvenation, cardiovascular health, strengthening muscles and bones, reducing the risk of cancer, lowering blood pressure, strengthening the lungs, and helping to lose weight
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miladmirzaie 🎩🐹 pfp
miladmirzaie 🎩🐹
Mint and enjoy
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miladmirzaie 🎩🐹 pfp
miladmirzaie 🎩🐹
Happiness does not happen by itself achieve happiness It is an active process that requires effort Get rid of wrong thoughts Overcome anxiety Identify interests Enter a meaningful relationship Be with a loving person Let's not forget humans They do not become happy by themselves make an effort;
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miladmirzaie 🎩🐹 pfp
miladmirzaie 🎩🐹
Check your $DEGEN Stats. Frame by @nikolaiii. If you like this frame, nominate @nikolaiii as builder here:
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miladmirzaie 🎩🐹 pfp
miladmirzaie 🎩🐹
life is Beautiful. Enjoy your life my friend how much does nature excite you?
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miladmirzaie 🎩🐹 pfp
miladmirzaie 🎩🐹
Martin Cooper (born December 26, 1928) is an American engineer. He is a pioneer in the wireless communications industry, especially in radio spectrum management, with eleven patents in the field.[2][3]
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miladmirzaie 🎩🐹 pfp
miladmirzaie 🎩🐹
⛓ All trenches lead onchain
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173 reactions

miladmirzaie 🎩🐹 pfp
miladmirzaie 🎩🐹
On July 17, 1902, Willis Haviland Carrier designed the first modern air-conditioning system, launching an industry that would fundamentally improve the way ...
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miladmirzaie 🎩🐹 pfp
miladmirzaie 🎩🐹
Onchain Summer is coming
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miladmirzaie 🎩🐹 pfp
miladmirzaie 🎩🐹
$DEGEN stats by @ds8
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miladmirzaie 🎩🐹 pfp
miladmirzaie 🎩🐹
The French inventor Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot built the first steam-powered road vehicle in 1769,
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miladmirzaie 🎩🐹 pfp
miladmirzaie 🎩🐹
One of the world's first-recorded chemists is considered to be a woman named Tapputi, a perfume maker mentioned in a cuneiform tablet from the 2nd millennium BC in Mesopotamia. She distilled flowers, oil, and calamus with other aromatics, then filtered and put them back in the still several times.
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miladmirzaie 🎩🐹 pfp
miladmirzaie 🎩🐹
13 replies
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miladmirzaie 🎩🐹 pfp
miladmirzaie 🎩🐹
Sometimes we have to travel and get away from what is bothering us... When was the last time you traveled?!
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miladmirzaie 🎩🐹 pfp
miladmirzaie 🎩🐹
My friends and faithful who have always been kind to me, don't miss this opportunity to grow together. Trust = credibility
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miladmirzaie 🎩🐹 pfp
miladmirzaie 🎩🐹
Software development refers to the process of designing, developing, testing and optimizing software for delivery to users. The main goal of software development is to create an efficient, reliable and user-friendly final product that meets the needs of users in the best possible way. What do you think, friends?
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