Michael 🎩🐹 pfp
Michael 🎩🐹
This is such a great reminder.
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Aaron Ferguson 🎩🏰📚🔵 pfp
Aaron Ferguson 🎩🏰📚🔵
I bought this book but then I couldn't bring myself to actually read it I guess I figured it out
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Michael 🎩🐹 pfp
Michael 🎩🐹
The title turned me off but it has some great stuff in it. Nothing I didn’t already know, but simplified it down to easily digestible bites.
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Aaron Ferguson 🎩🏰📚🔵 pfp
Aaron Ferguson 🎩🏰📚🔵
I will get around to reading it eventually I'm sure, just have always had something else end up on the stack, or not enough time
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